Our Values

Accountability, Integrity, Respect – A.I.R.

School is so much more than learning to read or how to work out a math equation. Students are growing humans! And as humans, there is more to us than the grammar we use – or misuse.

When teenagers walk through the school doors, they don’t transform from awkward and insecure to amazing scholars. Nor do they stop being scholars once they leave. Schools should help in complete education by providing ways for students to grow not only intellectually, but also physically, mentally, and socially.

In holistic education, teachers address the emotional, social, ethical, and academic needs of students. Cloud Peak Academy uses the values of accountability, integrity and respect to help shape emotional, social, and ethical growth. We feel that students will become valued citizens when incorporating these values.

ACCOUNTABILITY – the fact or condition of being accountable – justifying actions or decisions.

The use of an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) will keep students accountable. Learn more about the ILP’s here.

INTEGRITY – the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; being morally upright. 

Again, the ILP will help students. They learn about themselves, what they feel is important, and how they want to live.

RESPECT – regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.

The environment at Cloud Peak Academy is one of respect. Teachers and staff respect the students as human beings as they journey to adulthood, and students learn to respect all others, no matter who they are or what they believe. They learn it is possible to get along even when we don’t agree.

Cloud Peak Academy has chosen these as our values for the benefit they provide in developing into meaningful individuals. How do you see these values benefitting you?


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