Tag: Values

  • Respect

    Honor & Politeness The word ‘respect’ comes from Latin: respicere, which means “to look back at, regard”. How does one show respect at school? The Radclyffe School in the United Kingdom spells it out perfectly. They call it “The 5 Respects.” Some say that in order to gain respect you need to give it; that…

  • Integrity

    Honest and Moral The list of people with integrity could go on and on. Their actions are inspiring and uplifting. People who are honest and moral naturally attract others who are honest and moral.  At Cloud Peak Academy we value integrity. It creates an environment of trust. So how do we teach students to have…

  • Accountability

    Responsible for Choices Being accountable means being completely responsible for what one chooses. Accountability is connected to us all through rules of society and establishments. Airlines really don’t want passengers to vape or smoke. Most of society looks down on drinking and driving. We are free to choose to vape or smoke on an airline,…

  • Our Values

    Accountability, Integrity, Respect – A.I.R. School is so much more than learning to read or how to work out a math equation. Students are growing humans! And as humans, there is more to us than the grammar we use – or misuse. When teenagers walk through the school doors, they don’t transform from awkward and…